
Well I was mid way through this post and I saw an article on CNN about how scientists have discovered a weird signal coming from what could be little green men on another planet. It's probably a mistake but if not, it would be the biggest news story in recorded history. Yes, even bigger than the Republican National Convention.

It's interesting being in the thick of a trasformation of an industry. Open Source is taking the software industry by storm. The game industry is huge. Software of the kind we're creating is a threat to the billions in revenue created by the current proprietary production methods.

Governor Scharawerzdzeeggger. Governor Arnold is pushing for the adoption of Open Source software as a way to decrease IT costs for the state of California. Great article on him on Wired.

Prediction for Florida. Insurance companies are going to begin to wonder if the recent rash of Hurricanes is the result of global warming. Premiums for coverage in Florida explode. People can't afford coverage and move. Homes get cheaper, I buy some land and build one made of some of that new Carbon Nano material which would be impervious.