"Should the president simply explain to people that the war on terror can not have an exit strategy? Yes, but if he does he wouldn't get re-elected."
And today we have the news article from Reuters...
"NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Reuters) - One day after saying the war on terror could not be won, President Bush on Tuesday sought to calm a political storm by asserting he had been less than articulate and that America would prevail."
Hillarious in a "I think I'm going to puke" kind of way. The president was honest. He had to turn around and lie to protect his re-election bid. If that doesn't prove that Democracy is full of holes, I don't know what will. It's hard to know what is going on inside the heads of Bush and Kerry except on the rare occasion that they slip up and tell it like it is. I was reading an article last night about how it's entirely possible that the entire American economic system may collapse because we're shifting the burden of the deficit to our youth. They're going to have to pay massive taxes to keep the baby boomers happy. The young generation will have little or no say in the government because they will be outnumbered by baby boomers. The youth will pay the majority of the taxes though because they will be working. Que meltdown.
So if you're old and leeching off the system the best thing you can do for the next generation is max out your credit cards, donate the money to poor kids and then call Dr. Kevorkian. I'm kind of joking but if I get to the age where I'm just sapping money from my poor kids and therefore their kids college funds then it would seem the only honorable, decent thing to do.
It will be interesting to see what happens in Europe and Japan in the near future because they're about 5 years closer to meltdown than we are.
I think the old paradigm for looking at politicans is out the window. Politicans have always lied, always cheated, and always scammed. The only difference is the media was totally different and everyone with it. Now that we have this incredible overexposure of our leaders in the media they are all going to appear as they are. By nature they have to lie and do what they have to do. They have to try and appeal to a certain crosssection of people who dont' all feel the same way. Once they mathatmatically figure out who they need to appeal to to win the next election then they have to try and make them all happy. The guy who does this and appears to stretch the truth and flip flop to appeal to everyone he needs to will win the election versus the candidate who only says what he believes and doesn't try and appeal to anyone specifically will lose. Its the truth. It all comes back to the american people. We can't be so negative about our politicans when its really the publics fault. Politicans are just like campanies trying to make money. They are resperate to a certain extent and they will do whatever they can to be re-elected/sell their product. If they sell their prodcut a certain way and the public responds to it positvely for them then they keep doing it. If you don't then you become irrelevant and you are not in the game anymore. Its sad but true and we need to look at each other first before we look at them.
This is a reason why we need stop having these career politicans and move back to what our country was designed for. We need citizens taking time away from their careers to be in politics. I hate these career politicans. Especially the one I work for and Kerry is the number one career politicans of all time!
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