Hollyweird under attack
I met a smart, thoughful, cute young lady today who unfortunately was interviewing me so I didn't get to find out much about her but she made me think. Why do I write this thing? Why do I put my deepest, weirdest thoughts out there for all to see? Is it because I'm a little standoffish with people so I figure a one way connection is better than none? I think she got the impression that I enjoy solitude. Is there a difference between being used to something and really liking it? I hope isolation doesn't become the new opiate of the masses. Ok enough about me, here's some information about Bittorrent, the next generation of peer to peer file trading systems...
Bittorrent is good at one thing, transferring gigantic files over the Internet. It's starting to get a lot of press now on major news sites because instead of downloading a song or two people are downloading entire uncompressed CDs and 7 gigabyte DVDs. Bittorrent has a system that prevents the RIAA or other antipiracy agency from uploading fake files which can corrupt swarmed downloads resulting in that godawful screeching noise sometimes heard in nefariously acquired MP3s.
A major difference between Kazaa and Bittorrent is that you generally only download one thing at a time from Bittorrent which makes it harder for the MPAA/RIAA to sue for multiple infringement. Think of it as Napster except there is no one server handling all of the transactions, there are thousands of them all over the world. Today the MPAA has decided that instead of going after the people that download, they're going after the people who host the trackers. That's all well and good but news recently leaked about a system in development that would decentralize the trackers leaving the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) with only the downloaders to go after. That's a problem because of the following stats from Suprnova.org:
348668 seeded torrents (563910 total), 7229906 seeds & 9186110 downloaders (16416016 peers), on 1461 active trackers.
9 million people are using it as I type this just on Suprnova and it's still not a household word. What happens when everybody finds out? If 50% of the population is rampantly violating copyrights then at what point does the law become invalid? I wonder if in 15 years when broadband is 50x faster we will have only actors working that really like doing it. Sure they'll get paid, not from royalties or a $20million paycheck but by people who choose to donate through their website because they appreciate that actor's work. It sounds crazy but the guy who invented bittorrent gave it away for free and simply added a "Donate" button on his site. He's now extremely wealthy because 9Million people are using his software right now and so even if a fraction of the BT users donate, it adds up.
Bittorrent is good at one thing, transferring gigantic files over the Internet. It's starting to get a lot of press now on major news sites because instead of downloading a song or two people are downloading entire uncompressed CDs and 7 gigabyte DVDs. Bittorrent has a system that prevents the RIAA or other antipiracy agency from uploading fake files which can corrupt swarmed downloads resulting in that godawful screeching noise sometimes heard in nefariously acquired MP3s.
A major difference between Kazaa and Bittorrent is that you generally only download one thing at a time from Bittorrent which makes it harder for the MPAA/RIAA to sue for multiple infringement. Think of it as Napster except there is no one server handling all of the transactions, there are thousands of them all over the world. Today the MPAA has decided that instead of going after the people that download, they're going after the people who host the trackers. That's all well and good but news recently leaked about a system in development that would decentralize the trackers leaving the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) with only the downloaders to go after. That's a problem because of the following stats from Suprnova.org:

348668 seeded torrents (563910 total), 7229906 seeds & 9186110 downloaders (16416016 peers), on 1461 active trackers.
9 million people are using it as I type this just on Suprnova and it's still not a household word. What happens when everybody finds out? If 50% of the population is rampantly violating copyrights then at what point does the law become invalid? I wonder if in 15 years when broadband is 50x faster we will have only actors working that really like doing it. Sure they'll get paid, not from royalties or a $20million paycheck but by people who choose to donate through their website because they appreciate that actor's work. It sounds crazy but the guy who invented bittorrent gave it away for free and simply added a "Donate" button on his site. He's now extremely wealthy because 9Million people are using his software right now and so even if a fraction of the BT users donate, it adds up.
You're right...I hope isolation doesn't become the new opiate of the masses but before this whole "love" thing goes on to destroy any more of my fellow females I think some renegotiations need to take place.
And...I don't think anyone truly enjoys solitude, but if you're anything like me, you have to have it. It's a bittersweet sort of necessity that keeps people interesting. Happiness isn't boring but it definitely equals contentment, which generally stops people dead in their tracks. Maybe it's not such a bad thing eventually, but it's a terrible thing when it happens too soon.
One more thing...thanks for the "smart, thoughtful, cute" and "young" comment. I'm sure you knew I'd be reading it. Maybe after my article is done you can go from a "professional" associate of mine to a "friend" of mine. K, the whole quote thing around friend is just kinda creepy but I think I'll leave it.
I agree, no justice no peace. Though love and its sometimes painful side effects are occasionally gender agnostic. Interesting post, hurry up and finish that article ;)
Hello there Kirk, I thought I would check out some blog sites for info I could use at my website. I started out looking for peer 2 peer related stuff but there's so much info out there about everything, I kind of got lost. I get sidetracked easily these days. Anyway, I'm at http://www.p2p-mp3-filesharing.com and gotta get back to the search. Had fun and thanks, mike
Hi Kirk, I was looking for filesharing software related info for my site at http://www.p2p-mp3-filesharing.com and thought I would check out some blog sites. I get sidetracked easily these days....getting old...lol. It was an interesting read. Thanks, mike
Hey Kirk, nice blog site. Seems everybody has one of these blog sites except me. Even my sister has one, but she just likes to complain about everything....and I really mean everything. You know, the world sucks, etc...lol. She started it after her boyfriend dumped her. Originally I started out searching websites looking for mp3 music sharing related info to improve the traffic at my site http://www.p2p-mp3-filesharing.com; then I decided to try blog sites. There are so many of them it's unbelievable. I never heard of or knew what a blog was until last year. Anyway, I'm trying to improve my site at http://www.p2p-mp3-filesharing.com and was originally looking for relevant information I could use. Got sidetracked a bit....lol. It was interesting. Thanks Kirk, Mike
Kirk. Some of these blog sites have more info on them than the regular websites. I've been searching websites looking for filesharing software related info, I decided to try blog sites. And it seems like everybody has one but me. Anyway, I'm trying to improve the traffic flow to my site at http://www.p2p-mp3-filesharing.com and needed more substantive information I could use but got sidetracked again. Back to my search. Had fun though. Thanks Kirk, Mike
Hi and hello there Kirk, I get sidetracked easily these days. After spending many hours checking out websites looking for filesharing software related info. I decided to try some blog sites. I found much more usable and updated information on the blog related sites than the regular websites...this is very cool. I gotta get me one of these when I find the time. My site at http://www.p2p-mp3-filesharing.com needed some updated info. After that, I thought I would check out some of the other kind of blog sites. Some are pretty cool. It's been fun. Thanks Kirk, mike
Hi Kirk,
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Blogging is still new to me Kirk. I never heard of or knew what a blog was until about 6 months ago. Wow, there are so many of them it's amazing. Now they're everywhere. And it seems like everyone has one but me. I was looking for websites with info about filesharing software. Then I decided to try blogs. Anyway, I'm trying to improve my site at http://www.p2p-mp3-filesharing.com for all the music and movie lovers out there, and was originally looking for relevant information I could use. Got sidetracked a lttle bit....lol. It was interesting. Thanks Kirk, Mike
Blogging is still new to me Kirk. I never heard of or knew what a blog was until about 6 months ago. Wow, there are so many of them it's amazing. Now they're everywhere. And it seems like everyone has one but me. I was looking for websites with info about peer 2 peer. Then I decided to try blogs. Anyway, I'm trying to improve my site at http://www.p2p-mp3-filesharing.com for all the music and movie lovers out there, and was originally looking for relevant information I could use. Got sidetracked a lttle bit....lol. It was interesting. Thanks Kirk, Mike
Hi and hello there Kirk, I get sidetracked easily these days. After spending many hours checking out websites looking for peer 2 peer related info. I decided to try some blog sites. I found much more usable and updated information on the blog related sites than the regular websites...this is very cool. I gotta get me one of these when I find the time. My site at http://www.p2p-mp3-filesharing.com needed some updated info. After that, I thought I would check out some of the other kind of blog sites. Some are pretty cool. It's been fun. Thanks Kirk, mike
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