Ignorant Bliss
I've become redundant in some of my posts so my prolific streak is officially over. Anyway, I remember as a kid constantly hearing "You aren't reaching your potential" Teachers, parents all in consensus about my odd behavior. Now that I understand that my infintesimaly short attention span is to blame I feel like I have a new sense of direction. I've finally figured out why I need to become successful; it's not so I can buy things, my worldly needs are limited to a few high tech gadgets, it's so I can work less and pursue my real interests.
I'd like to teach more. I have a class teaching kids from a high school how to use computers. I read their anonymous class reviews after my favorite group was done and got a little misty eyed. I guess you could say it's very gratifying. My writing is going to become a little less exciting as I age, for instance, in an interview with the lead singer of the band Tool who now has a wife and kid he said "It's hard to be angry your entire life". Anger and passion are almost synonymous and passion makes for good writing. Is happiness boring or am I just looking for excuses to prolong my self pity?
Speaking of happiness, here is a photo of me in NY with a drunk girl napping on me. I think I was petting her hair, anyway, that's not the point, the point is that I have a rare goofy smile on my face. In spite of my
borderline alcohol poisoning and sleep deprivation I managed to find a moment of happiness. Now where do I find a girl like that in San Diego? Maybe that's why I feel the pull of the East coast.
Speaking of real interests, our posse of car enthusiasts, mechanical and software engineers and 3D mesh gurus is proud to present the first working version of our simulator to the world at large. It's for Windows and you need to download two files here and here. Make sure you have data, doc and bin all in the same place. Steer with the 5 and 6 or arrow keys. The attached picture has a modified truck suspension which makes for better wrecks.
I'd like to teach more. I have a class teaching kids from a high school how to use computers. I read their anonymous class reviews after my favorite group was done and got a little misty eyed. I guess you could say it's very gratifying. My writing is going to become a little less exciting as I age, for instance, in an interview with the lead singer of the band Tool who now has a wife and kid he said "It's hard to be angry your entire life". Anger and passion are almost synonymous and passion makes for good writing. Is happiness boring or am I just looking for excuses to prolong my self pity?
Speaking of happiness, here is a photo of me in NY with a drunk girl napping on me. I think I was petting her hair, anyway, that's not the point, the point is that I have a rare goofy smile on my face. In spite of my

Speaking of real interests, our posse of car enthusiasts, mechanical and software engineers and 3D mesh gurus is proud to present the first working version of our simulator to the world at large. It's for Windows and you need to download two files here and here. Make sure you have data, doc and bin all in the same place. Steer with the 5 and 6 or arrow keys. The attached picture has a modified truck suspension which makes for better wrecks.
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