My Big Expensive Toy

But it doesn't stop there. When I come home from work I fiddle with even more wires and buttons and shiny metal objects. I even do side jobs wiring together people's computers and home theater systems. I'm also a racing fanatic, not the NASCAR dad type though. There is something appealing to me about being in a position where there are major consequences for a mistake. It's a way of motivating myself and focusing. For instance, if I procrastinate at work it's a game of finding my limits. How long will it really take me to code this thing. Racing is about finding the limits of your car and your ability. Driving ability is based on reflexes but also on a knowledge of the car, anticipation. It absolutely saturates the senses like few things do. Even skydiving is a fairly thoughtless endeavour in comparison. So I'm taking the things I love and fusing them together. The driving simulator I'm working on draws on my knowledge from software, networking, home theater installs and cars. We're currently having a debate about the best way to optimize online racing. Here is some of the chat log in case you're wondering how games are made.
" | ||
| Kirk | we take different lines through turns but they're just about the same in terms of lap times |
| STenyaK | or we can store the car format in a spacially special way, so that the car rolls out of the truck, with a side-view of it, as the mesh is loaded ;) |
| Kirk | Hey, we can use haba's wireframe mode |
| Kirk | like the ghost car in rbr |
| Heson | progressive mesh, you start the race against a couplöe of shoe boxes and finish against super nice cars... |
| Kirk | I was thinking we should have a bandwidth LOD for online racing. You send more position data to the closest cars |
| STenyaK | hmm nice idea |
| Heson | iteresting |
| STenyaK | possibly relative to distance and camera view angle |
| STenyaK | can't remember the technical name |
| STenyaK | FOV |
| Heson | and more detailed(heavier) prediction on close cars, its not so important if the far cars warp etc. |
| STenyaK | yeah. that's a really good idea, i like it :) |
| STenyaK | maybe we can extend it to other sytems.. |
| STenyaK | like... err.. well, there isn't much left.AI and sound |
| STenyaK | we can also compress data of "groups of cars" and send just one position (for packs semi-distant cars in nascar for example) |
| Heson | When trying to sleep yesterday I got an idea for a first generation online support for motrosport. |
| Heson | just connect to irc and send coordinates to the chat |
| Kirk | Now there's an interesting proposition |
| STenyaK | how many commands would be needed for that? |
| STenyaK | join - send messages - quit ? |
| STenyaK | i don't know the irc protocol very well |
| Heson | not much more
| STenyaK | does it use compression? |
| STenyaK | (irc |
| Heson | no compression in irc |
| Heson | but we can implement some if we need to send lots of data |
| STenyaK | position: 32x3, rotation 32x4 |
| STenyaK | (or 64 bits each |
| STenyaK | 224 bytes per car for upload |
| STenyaK | plus synchronization |
| Heson | for a first generation, that might look like the rbr one its enough |
| Heson | and we can extend it and test concepts, |
| STenyaK | hmm what latency is there in irc, average? |
| STenyaK | i mean, the added latency |
| Heson | when we need to lower latency we keep irc for lobby and move the rest to direct connections |
| Heson | the added latency is abut doubled, i think. |
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