OK enough about robots and software. Today I borrowed my mom's dog to see how I'd handle the responsibility. I'm convinced that I'm not cut out for dog (or child) rearing because for better or worse, I tend to be pretty self absorbed.
Things started out well, I took him on a long walk, let him sniff whatever he wanted. He slept when we got back and I was confident the week would fly by. So it's time for bed and Ferdinand jumps up onto the mattress and settles down for a long summer's nap. No creatures were stirring but one was snoring, really really loud. Even my roommates said something. I couldn't sleep so I carried him out to the garage, brought him some dog biscuits and water and went to bed. Right when I was about to get the first sleep of the night at 3:30AM the barking began. Now he's back in my room sawing logs and I've given up on sleep for the night. The upside is that I'm paying all of my bills and folding clothes.
I'm going to have to take him back to LA. Probably tonight though I'm afraid I'll fall asleep at the wheel. I feel a little bit like a single parent with a collicy baby. He's really cranking right now, it's amazing how much noise can come out of the little beast.
It's now 4:17AM and I have two meetings tomorrow. I'd make a pretty crappy dad.
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