Legions of unemployed aren't going to vote Republican. Even God-fearing anti government types aren't going to vote for a wealth divider like GW if they've been unemployed for months. The Democrats are going to have two options: Lie and tell everybody that they can create new jobs or they can raise taxes on the wealthy. Capitalism is like Baseball. Nobody wants to play if the Yankees win every year, hence the luxury tax. Baseball might be a harbinger of things to come in the larger economy because the rules aren't supposed to change and innovation is viewed as a threat to tradition(wooden bats). That's not to say there won't be innovation when everything is automated but there won't be the impediments of bloated pensions and hangovers slowing down capitalism. Wealth aggregation shifts into high gear and suddenly we need a luxury tax on corporations.

I sometimes get a weird feeling of euphoria when I'm writing software or reading about things that really interest me. If there ever was something smarter than us, would it need emotions to regulate its own behavior? I get the feeling that the only reason we have "pleasure centers" in our brains is because we haven't yet evolved a sufficient level of logic to keep ourselves alive with logic alone. Instinct is evolution's answer to our stupidity as a species. So a robotic brain would only include emotion as a library it would use to aid in it's ability to communicate effectively with humans. Dry Wit. Double entendre, Dry being the opposite of wet, used in wet machines, a reference to our brains. Would make a good product name too...
OK so if our destiny is an emotionless existence, and by our I mean thinking beings, isn't our future about to get really boring? Would emotion become the drug of really smart AI?
EDIT: Wow just found an interesting quote:
"The limbic system is tightly connected to the prefrontal cortex. It has been conjectured that this connection is related to the pleasure obtained from solving problems. To cure severe emotional disorders, this connection was sometimes surgically severed, a procedure of psychosurgery. Patients who underwent this procedure often became passive and lacked all motivation."
That's exactly what I was wondering about. I get a "high" from learning because of the connection betwen the limbic system and prefrontal cortex. Who would have thunk it. So any working AI system wouldn't care to evolve unless it had a reward system. Apathy doesn't breed curiosity. Pure logic is certainly not a requirement for intelligent life but is it detrimental to it? Genius bordering on insanity?
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