For Love of Monkey

Two strange things have recently happened, life expectancy is dropping for the first time and birth rates are declining in first world nations. From "Twenty years ago, the US, the richest nation on the planet, led the world's longevity league. Today, American women rank only 19th, while males can manage only 28th place, alongside men from Brunei.
These startling figures are blamed by researchers on two key factors: obesity, and inequality of health care. A man born in a poor area of Washington can have a life expectancy that is 40 years less than a woman in a prosperous neighborhood only a few blocks away, for example."
People are dying young because of our ability to make cheap unhealthy food. People aren't having kids because we're smart enough to use contraception and question the logic of bringing a kid into a world comprised of corrupt politicians, terrorism, religious fundamentalism, pollution, WMD, etc. Who the hell can afford to have a kid anyway? You need a two income family to survive these days which means there is the inevitable lifelong guilt associated with not being there for the kid.
Hairy backs used to be what kids would cling to when we wandered the forrests eating nuts and berries. Now people with back hair are condescendingly referred to as bears. Reverse anthropomorphism as criticism proves my earlier point. I refuse to shave my hairy chest, it's a silent tribute to our furry brethren of the forrest.
Now this is a debate! Candidates aren't supposed to like each other. They should attack each other fully because its important. This debate makes the first Pres debate look like the 7th grade. Why can't Kerry and Bush articulate and have actual substance. These two men have facts and they made a point and then they give you the reasoning behind that point EVERY time. Its amazing.......I want Cheney to be my dad.
I think Cheyney is going to run for Prez in 08. He's going to need to resurrect Spiro Agnew though to complete the deleterious duo.
Actually its quite obviously that he isn't by the way he handles himself as vp. He is the first vp who actually seeks out anonymity. He isn't concerned with his image and that is the number one thing a vp who wants to be pres must be concerned with. Plus if you had watched the debate you would have heard him explain that he and bush work so well together because unlike most vps he does not want to be Pres. I dont blame him. I totally aspire to be vp but not pres.
Lmnope, good points. I was thinking about that yesterday and I'm going to write about it when I find a second. I look at what makes me happy, an Internet connection, food, water, electricity and wonder if I could erect a windmill/generator next to a creek in a remote forrest somewhere where rent is cheap and become self sustaining so I can pursue my real interests.
"I refuse to shave my hairy chest, it's a silent tribute to our furry brethren of the forrest."
I tolerate my boyfriend's refusal to remove any body hair not attached to his face by rubbing the furry patch and calling him monkey.
Maybe this monkey style thing has merit. I want to say screw my cubicle and go live monkey style! Throwing away the razor blade is an added bonus. That's it, on Monday instead of driving to work I'm walking to Balboa park and hanging out monkey style. Tuesday I can kick it monkey style at the beach. I'm sure people will give me awesome fruit to eat if I ask nice, right?
Wait, is this monkey style or homeless style?
If living like a monkey is wrong, I don't want to be right.
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