Theatrical Crooning

Morrissey is one of my favourite weirdo musicians. I think his more mellow jazzy songs are a lot like something on an Andreas Vollenweider CD. Bjork is to Vollenweider as Vanilla Ice is to David Bowie. She completely ripped off one of his songs. Maybe it was just a cover. I was watching that new show LAX with my roommate. It's really good, and I don't really like TV unless people are being painfully eliminated. Most shows grab a theme and stick to it. LAX has a weird but good mix of comedy, drama, aerobatics. Sort of like Morrissey's music. He almost repels would-be fans because of his over the top self pitty but if you listen to it for a while it grows on you. Louder than Bombs is a great CD.
Speaking of repelling would be fans, I've noticed a trend in the media. People criticize the politicians when they make bold, hollow promises. They have to because it works, we the voters are the problem. Every once in a while the reporters remind themselves of that fact on air. I like Bill Oreilly, he just sqirms when he reports on the soap opera that is the Lacy Peterson trial. He can't stand it and he makes it clear to his boss and viewers. A guy from the Chomsky Chat forum asked me to get in touch with him about the idea I had the other day re. alternative methods of media distribution, trying to figure out if I have enough time to make more than a half assed attempt at it. If I wasn't working on the simulator I'd consider it. I bet Oreilly would be glad to man the anchor desk as there wouldn't be much in the way of Lacy coverage, or ratings.
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